{leap} list

I like lists. I also kept seeing these really awesome Honda commercials that were talking about it (genius marketing campaign, by the way), so I decided that I needed to make one. So this is a list of things – travels, adventures, accomplishments:


I want to…

publish something

learn guitar

take a tour of a vineyard in sonoma county

have a penpal for a year

take a hot air balloon ride

see the Jayhawks play in Allen Fieldhouse

change someone’s life

go back to Greece

follow a band on tour for a few cities

go to a music festival

reform my cluttery ways

cook my way through a full cookbook

sew a dress

live somewhere other than Boulder, CO for a year or more

go parasailing

go to Israel

go to all 50 states! (11 left to go)

take a blowing glass class

take a picture I’m proud of framing & frame it!

pet a giraffe

go to New York City & see a Broadway musical

own a dog

crochet a blanket

write a love letter

see sunrise @ the sand dunes

read all of C.S. Lewis’ books

speak another language fluently

be a wife (someday!)


cover a wall in postcards

go to Yellowstone Nat’l Park

run a half marathon

visit Alaska

climb a 14er

learn to ski

write a song, write poetry

be someone’s mommy and maybe adopt a child

work at a company that i believe in

have a garden

be able to cartwheel

do a front flip

go to Santiago, Chile

go backstage @ a concert

support a child in need

meet David Bowie

go to South Africa

visit Mt Rushmore

get a graduate degree

get good at rock climbing (climb a 5.10-5.11!)

go backpacking

…before I die.


I’ve already crossed these things off the list (Hurray!):

come face to face with the love of God/played saxophone in a top jazz band/loved someone deeply/been a bridesmaid more than once/ridden the train from Denver to Chicago/been a best friend/seen the Northern Lights/seen the Grand Canyon/been to a Communist country (Cuba!)/had bed bugs/held a tarantula/been to 4 HS proms (6 if you count as a leader)/seen The Phantom of the Opera from the 7th row/gotten a black eye/been to a bunch of incredible concerts/been a youth group leader/been to Arches Nat’l Park/been to Canada (sort of)/been to a $100,000+ wedding/earned a HS diploma/earned a B.A./gotten a tattoo (3)/dressed up like Ziggy Stardust/wrote an honors thesis/had a purple cell phone/shared the Gospel with a stranger/finished a journal/canoed in the Boundary Waters/been told that I made someone’s day/designed a shirt/learned how to sail a sunfish/hiked all three Flatirons and Royal Arch Trail/stayed up all night/watched a member of my family get baptized/read a 700 page book in a day/flown alone/been a professional gift-wrapper/snuck out of the house/given a talk at Club/read the whole Bible/worked as a barista/been to Oklahoma Joe’s BBQ (in Kansas City)/gone on a road trip by myself/been to Law Vegas/dyed my hair blonde/pierced my eyebrow/made beautiful music/had best friends who I was willing to trust fully/forgiven deep hurts/cooked a full Thanksgiving dinner for 36 people/been bungee jumping/joined a sorority/turned 21 gracefully/visited to Italy/sent a secret to Postsecret


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